You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.


A Live Video Conference with
America's #1 Weekend Trader Tim Sykes

You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.


A Live Video Conference with
America's #1 Weekend Trader Tim Sykes


A Week from Now You Could be
Collecting $1,000s

Dear Reader,

Like I mentioned in yesterday’s email…

I HAVE NOT been keeping this weekend strategy to myself.

It’s been too good, and I’ve already got too much money.

Truth is, I’ve been sharing this with a small group of my closest followers.

And they too have been raking in the cash hand over fist.

Just look what happened with Justin W. in a very recent weekend.

Using my proprietary weekend system…

Justin placed a simple trade on shares of a tiny green energy company called Adomani.

He opened a simple trade that Friday…

Then went on to enjoy his weekend.

And as soon as the market opened on Monday, Justin cashed out with $2,226.

Mondays have also become payday for Roland W., from Scottsdale, Arizona.

Using my proprietary weekend strategy, he placed a simple trade on shares of Globus Maritimes on a Friday.

This dry bulk shipping company had been struggling to raise capital for its operations.

But because of this weekend anomaly, there was a high chance shares would explode higher that coming Monday.

So Roland placed a simple trade that Friday…

And when he came back from the weekend…

And the markets opened on Monday…

An avalanche of “buy orders” came in, helping push the stock higher.

So he closed half of his position that Monday and the other half the next day.

In total, he walked away with $15,820 from this weekend trade.

Amazing, right?

With that kind of money, you don’t even need to trade every weekend.

If you do that only one weekend of every month, for example…

You’re looking at an extra annual income of $189,840…

More money than 99% of Americans make…

All by taking advantage of a market anomaly that exists in a small pocket of the stock Market.

In fact, with fast-trades like this, Roland has been able to turn his initial stake of $4,000 into nearly $600,000 in the last 2 years.

Talk about a great way to accelerate his retirement!

And Roland is not alone.

Look what happened with my friend Tim Grittani.

Last year, when the Bitcoin market was red hot…

He used my weekend strategy on shares of Bitcoin Services Inc, a company involved in Bitcoin mining.

He opened a simple trade on a Friday…

And cashed out with an incredible weekend fortune of $37,212.

Thanks to fast trades like these…

Tim has been able to accumulate a retirement fortune in lightning fast speed.

Having made over $6 million in profits over the last few years, Tim is set for life.

Do these people have anything special?


But they did have an open-mind.

They were willing to give this weekend strategy a shot…

And it payed off big time for them.

It could pay off for you too… starting tomorrow.

You Could be the Next Success Story. You Just Need to Tune in Tomorrow
at 1:00 P.M. EDT

My proprietary system has already triggered an alert for a NEW weekend trade recommendation.

I’ll give more details during this event.

I’ll also explain why this weekend anomaly exists.

Simply put, there are certain pockets of the market where information doesn’t get instantly priced in.

Yale professor Robert Shiller even won a Nobel prize by showing that the market does not always reflect all available information.

And that’s essentially what creates these weekend opportunities.

I’ll explain everything tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. EDT.

Then you’ll have a chance to start collecting $1,000s every weekend.

Talk to you tomorrow.

P.S. We go live tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. EDT.

For the first time ever, I’ll reveal the details of a brand-new weekend trade recommendation to help you get started making extra income on the weekends.