You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.


A Live Video Conference with
America's #1 Weekend Trader Tim Sykes

You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.


A Live Video Conference with
America's #1 Weekend Trader Tim Sykes


IMPORTANT: Read this Before Tomorrow’s Event

Dear Reader,

Hi, Tim Sykes here.

Remember when I asked you to write down on a piece of paper…

How much income you’d need to make on the weekend in order to achieve your financial goals and dreams?

I also asked you…

“What would you do if could make $1,000, $2,000 and even $5,000 or more on the weekends?”

The response has been amazing. I’ve received thousands of notes.

I want to share some of the responses below…

Because I’m 100% confident this weekend strategy can help YOU fulfill your dreams and achieve your income goals.

***It all begins TOMORROW at 1:00 P.M. EDT… when we go live with our Weekend Profits live video conference call.

In the meantime, check out some of your responses below…

I’m not going to mention any names or locations for privacy reasons…

But you should these are coming from all over the country…

People from all walks of life… people who are already retired… from students… from disabled veterans… to truck drivers… Corporate CEOs… nurses…carpenter… police officers… etc.

I was really blown away by the responses... thousands and thousands, so what you see below is a tiny sample.

Tune In Tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. EDT… and Your Dreams Could Come True

Stop worrying about money

Pay off all debts and travel

Donate a large portion and grow our nest egg w/ the rest

Pay my debts and have a better life

Pay off debts and help with kids education.

I would love to be able to buy the best treatment for my step son diagnosed with Cancer, he's 21 years old the prime of his life this came on 9 months previous.

Pay off bills and go hunt wherever I want

Have my wife stop being my caregiver and take 2 trips a year with her.

Pay off debt and buy a home

Give some to my church, pay debts and add to my retirement.

Pay for my two daughters pending college education, take some well deserved vacations to places we could never afford now.

Pay my bills and take care my wife and family plus to have a better life

Help my children pay off their student loans and then travel; save for retirement

I would pay off each of 3 childrens home mortgages also donate $500 per month to "Reach Out Womans Center"

Pay off mortgage and all credit card balances; make modifications to home and property to reduce maintenance costs; make contributions toward grand children's education costs so they have little or no debt at time of graduation; resume tradition of family vacations.

Help fund my latest film script ( a true story )

Retire from J.O.B.

Nest egg and donate for Animal Rescue and my Buddhist Community.

Would take myself and then my family on great vacations, give to charity I would not buy a big fancy car but maybe a new one. A new home where i can have a dog and a garden.

Open my open range dog shelter

Pay off debts, pay off my son's mortgage, pay tithe to my church & donate to my favorite charity

Pay my bills and save for a kidney transplant for myself

Pay off debt and retire to a ranch in the southwest or maybe Central America

As a retiree living in Arizona where Summer temps stay above 110 degrees for months, I would like to have the money to buy a Summer home somewhere cooler, or to be able to travel outside of the country.

Pay off bills and help other family members who are struggling. Give much more than I can now to charities for children and the poor.

start a private business

Travel, volunteer, buy a cabin by the Lake

Lots of things. Buy a home, even though I own my home already, go on vacation, buy a new wardrobe, buy a new car, even though I own a lincoln continental, or do whatever I can.

Major renovations to my home

Buy another airplane

Pay off my school loans

Pay Bills, Travel, and help others in need

Find a good physical therapist, buy a home and travel. Also buy books for school children.

Retire debt remaining debt on home. Save remainder for family's future.

Well Tim, I would pay off my daughter's car, pay off my home and give a donation to my church.