You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.


A Live Video Conference with
America's #1 Weekend Trader Tim Sykes

You’re in on Friday. You’re out on Monday.


A Live Video Conference with
America's #1 Weekend Trader Tim Sykes


Once You Do this, You’ll Love Mondays

Dear Reader,

Most people hate Mondays.

Because that’s the start of an entire week when they’ll have to work a job they hate… and deal with an a**hole boss.

Even if you’re retired, you might hate Mondays too because… well, weekends are just more fun.

Unlike most people, I love Mondays…

Because that’s usually payday for me.

And it could be for you too… starting a week from now.

But while this strategy can be the easiest money-making system you’ll ever see…

It’s not for everyone.

You must be willing to try something new…

Because this is a brand-new way of making retirement income on the weekends.

And you need to be open-minded enough to play by a different set of rules.

What are the rules?

You follow three steps…

  • Step #1: Place just one simple trade on Fridays…
  • Step #2: Enjoy your weekend…
  • Step #3: Come back on Monday to collect your profits.

That’s how I made $9,177 in share of You on Demand…

That’s how I made a little more than $20 grand in shares of Quick Logic…

And that’s how I made $28,540 on shares of 22nd Century Corp…

Isn’t that incredible?

I already identified the next weekend trade. And it could pay you $6,500 or more next Monday.

Tune in this Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. EDT

I’ll tell you more about this trade in just a couple of days.

Imagine how your weekends could be from now on…

You place one trade on Friday…

And go have fun and live the life that you deserve….

Go play golf with your friends…

Take your entire family to dinner…

Go to church…

Play with your grandkids….

Take your spouse on a wine tasting tour…

Just do whatever you love to do…

Because by the time you come back on Monday morning and check your account…

There’s a very good chance you’ll be $1,000s richer.

But you might be wondering…

If this is such a great opportunity, why isn’t everyone on Wall Street doing this?

The short answer is… they can’t!

When the big players on Wall Street invest in companies…

They don’t invest just a few thousand dollars like you and I might do.

Big investors like pension funds, hedge funds and mutual funds normally invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a single company.

But this weekend anomaly only happens to tiny companies.

That kind of institutional money would be enough to buy 20% or more of all the existing shares.

And that’s a problem for the big dogs on Wall Street…

Because SEC regulations make it very difficult for these funds to establish positions of that size in any single company.

In other words…

These big Wall Street investors tend to stay away from these smaller companies.

That’s why this strategy is perfect for the little guy…

For people like you and me…

Who just want to make a few thousand dollars on the weekends…

People who are looking for a simple, but reliable strategy.

These weekend trades don’t require any special financial knowledge…

It doesn’t require much of your time…

And it doesn’t involve any complicated financial instruments, like options or futures.

So if you’re open-minded enough to discover a brand-new way of making retirement income on the weekends…

Join me this coming Wednesday at 1:0o P.M. EDT.

And I’ll give you all the details so you can decide for yourself if this right for you.

I already shared the details with a few friends, like Tim G., Roland W. and Michael G.

When I first shared this secret with them, they thought this could never work.

But tune in tomorrow and I’ll tell you what happened to them…

Talk to you tomorrow.